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For those who know me, know I hate writing these type of things. So I'm going to attempt to make this as painless for both of us as I can.


My name is Lucas Delrose, I'm an Australian currently living in Michigan USA. I decide to make this site to showcase my skills in both  writing and comic lettering.


Writing is and always has been my main passion, I know I'm going to sound cliche but... I've been writing for as long as I can remember. The first story I remember writing was called "The Key" about some kid with a key that could open any door and travel to different worlds. A story that I often pick up, or attempt to rewrite from time to time.
My latest writing venture would have to be "Avenyx's Sacrifice", I book I plan on publishing, or by the time you read this could possibly be available on Amazon. For more information on this don't forget to stop by the Writer tab above.

I've written many styles and formats, from novels to short stories, comic scripts, I studied Film and TV to learn how to write scripts for both. I also have written scripts for web series. So with this site I plan to display some of my different writing styles and stories.


In the comic world I'd consider myself pretty new to the game. I've been doing it for over 12 months now and learned so much. I wrote and lettered a sci-fi series called Noah's Arcc which we produced a few chapters and put them up online. I also have a couple of smaller comic projects I wrote and am working on at the moment to gain more experience there. In this I found a passion that I believe I have a talent for in lettering. It just kind of sits with me and I enjoy doing it, it can be a challenge at times and I love it. You'll see on my lettering portfolio page, I've worked on a variety of comics now and so very keen to work on more. I love taking on a new lettering project and working with some amazing people in this industry. .


That's a bit about me I guess, I'm a friendly down to earth guy. If you like my work, want to work with me, have any questions or just want to say 'Man, you're awesome!' feel free to drop me an email.


Thanks for reading.



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